
Celebrating National Good Neighbor Day One Rose at A Time

Photo: David Burton (left) and Shari McCallister (right) in 2022. I lived through 41 National Good Neighbor Days (Sept. 28) before lifting a finger to help or celebrate a neighbor. In hindsight, this was a serious mistake. When I first learned about the holiday in 2018, it took me several days to decide what to do. I did not want to overcommit, but at the same time, I wasn’t sure if a small gesture would count. Could I celebrate a neighbor with a plate of cookies and a nice note, or did I need to throw a block party with food and a bounce house? That first year, I went with cookies and a handwritten note. I had considered delivering some fresh-cut flowers from my garden. But I could have also celebrated by making a phone call to each of my neighbors and providing encouragement! On my journey of discovery, Shari McCallister of Houston, Missouri, was one of the first people I met who took the celebration of National Good Neighbor Day seriously. Perhaps no one celebrates the big day with

One Neighborhood Decision Eventually Led to City Council For one NLA Grad

Small decisions can lead to big changes. Many times this is a positive changes although I have seen negative examples, where people's negative choices become a slow fade into something bad. But in this case it is positive. Meet Justin Shaw. Justin is one of two council members for Ward 1 (my Ward) in Republic, Mo. Justin is also a graduate of Neighborhood Leadership Academy. He shared how efforts to make neighbor connections have impacted his life at a recent Republic City Council meeting. Read here how one simple decision, led to another, and then another, and then another, and another, and now he is serving on city council. This is the transcribed discuss and testimony from the Republic City Council meeting on Tuesday May 7, 2024. This confirms the difference that NLA can make in a person's life and in a community.  Council asked for an update on the neighboring project. They gave me five minutes. I had submitted a written report. When I was done, this happened: Mayor Frankli

Hey Republic Area Residents: Time to Get on Waiting List for Neighborhood Leadership Academy 2024

  Calling all Republic, Missouri area residents: It is time to get on the waiting list for Neighborhood Leadership Academy! You can add your name to the list that will get information this summer when registration begins by emailing David Burton . The Neighborhood Leadership Academy (NLA)  is a statewide program that draws adult students from across the state. The program has a 40 year history! Locally, there have been Republic area residents in NLA or a similar class in 2018, 2019, 2022 and 2023. B ut in 2024, David Burton plans to lead a Republic cohort. There might be a Springfield group too but the Republic Cohort will be saved for residents inside the Republic School District as long as we have six or more enrolled. Republic cohort members will participate in the online class but also get together locally for activities to be determined by the interest and needs of cohort members. Class content is provided online but we will meet together for the lessons and have our own discussio

Cultivating a Culture of Generosity in Our Community

  Reciprocity means exchanging goods, services, or favors for mutual benefit. It is a behavior that lies at the heart of human interaction. In communities, reciprocity takes various forms. One form is called generalized reciprocity. Direct reciprocity involves immediate exchanges between two parties. But generalized reciprocity fosters a community's giving and receiving culture. Generalized reciprocity is key to community building and fostering social cohesion, trust, and resilience in a community. Generalized reciprocity, with its proactive nature, serves as a powerful catalyst for fostering social cohesion within communities. When individuals engage in acts of kindness and generosity without expecting immediate or direct reciprocation, it strengthens bonds and promotes a sense of belonging. In a community where generalized reciprocity prevails, members feel interconnected and valued, leading to stronger social ties and a shared sense of purpose. By actively nurturing a

Neighboring in the City of St. Louis

  Special guest submission by: Suzanne Chisum, Ph.D.  Block Captain - 4100 Block of Potomac - St. Louis, Missouri Knowing my neighbors has brought me immense joy and enriched my life in countless ways. This week's block meeting highlighted the diverse and vibrant community we have, with the arrival of a new family from Vietnam, the exciting news of a baby girl on the way, and the bittersweet departure of a beloved neighbor.  This was in addition to the organization of a neighborhood yard sale and Cinco de Mayo Party.  One of our neighbors shared her work with a local organization that advocates for the people and families of people living in long-term care facilities. The new family from Vietnam brings a touch of international flavor to our block. Their warm smiles and eagerness to connect have created a welcoming atmosphere. Soon we hope to share stories about our different cultures and traditions and foster a sense of understanding and appreciation. Their presence reminds me of t

Forgiveness May be Key to Civil Neighbor Relationships

Forgiveness is a hot topic again. According to Google Books Ngram (which allows you to discover the use of a word in magazines and books in the United States over time), the word forgiveness peaked this past year, even beating the previous high from 1820.  Ironically, the use of the word hate is also at an all-time high and more than double that of the word forgiveness. But why the renewed interest in forgiveness? One explanation is the flippant use of the word and shallow forgiveness: we forgive loans, for example. Or perhaps it is because of the rise in hate. Another explanation is the renewed concern about mental health, and there is a direct correlation between the two. There have also been some high-profile examples of forgiveness that have given rise to books and movies. I think of Cornelia Ten Boom, who forgave her Nazi captors, or Louis Zamperini, whose life was detailed in the book "Unbroken," along with his journey to forgive his Japanese captors. But ask local resi

Meet Most Engaged Neighbor Award Winners Greg and Suzanne Smith of Manchester, Mo

Missouri Good Neighbor Week (online at encourages neighboring acts between Sept. 28 and Oct. 4 and recognizes people nominated by others as the "most engaged neighbors" in Missouri. Greg and Suzanne Smith of Manchester, Missouri, were nominated in 2023 and were recognized as one of the Top 10 nominations for the year. All nominees receive a gift and a letter letting them know they have been nominated. However, the top 10 nominations receive an award certificate, a prize check, and media recognition. Greg has been a longtime trustee for his Neighborhood Homeowners Association. More importantly, he and his wife, Suzanne, put up 100,000 Christmas lights for the neighborhood every year during the holiday season.  Their nominator mentioned the lights and their service, but more importantly, the attitude in which it is done. "The Smiths have really big hearts, and they often do acts for people in the neighborhood with total anonymity. As a

Winsome Conviction Can Help Overcome Neighbor Conflicts

Tim Muehlhoff, who wrote “Winsome Conviction” is concerned about the level of divisiveness in America and the cracks in our unity. He contends that one of the main causes for this discord is how we think about our convictions. “The reason we fight with each other, and often believe the worst about each other, is that we form convictions about things for which we care deeply. Unfortunately, we all care deeply about different things,” said Muehlhoff. “And even when we care about the same things, we often see these things differently and commit to different courses of action. If we are going to live together, we will need to moderate our convictions.” And Muehlhoff says that is also part of the problem because convictions are about moral absolutes. “In life we encounter two types of issues: absolutes and preferences. It is important that we distinguish these two,” said Muehlhoff. “Convictions are what we have about absolutes, and preferences are what we have about matters of taste.”

Loving Your Neighbor Can Reshape Society

  In a world that often values self-interest and division, loving your neighbor stands as a countercultural act with the potential to reshape society. There are five ways that loving your neighbor can lead to empathy, understanding, and interconnectedness. 1. Challenging Self-Centeredness: In a culture that often prioritizes personal success and achievement, loving your neighbor requires a shift in focus from oneself to others. 2. Overcoming Social Divisions: Loving your neighbor transcends societal divisions and encourages us to recognize the shared humanity that unites us all. 3. Promoting Inclusivity and Acceptance: Loving your neighbor means celebrating the uniqueness of each individual and dumping prejudice, discrimination, and exclusion. 4. Cultivating Stronger Communities: By extending a helping hand, offering support, or being present, we create a sense of belonging, connectedness and stronger communities. 5. Inspiring Positive Change: Acts of love and generosity ca

Motivations for Being a Good Neighbor: As Part of a Calling (4 in a series of 4)

  Where neighbors share a sense of community, residents are more likely to feel safe and secure and have a lower fear of crime than those without a sense of community. People living in connected neighborhoods feel healthier and are happier about their lives and are more likely to vote and help others by volunteering. For these reasons and many more, being a good neighbor and connecting with others on your block improves the neighborhood and helps you personally.  Neighborliness is not a special talent - it is a decision! Anyone can be a good neighbor —it just takes a little initiative, but the rewards make it worthwhile. Neighborhoods with a higher sense of community enjoy a higher quality of life.  So please do it for yourself and your family. Motivation for action can vary widely among humans. But there seem to be four major motivators for individuals to begin reaching and loving their neighbors. As part of a calling Many Christians believe they are called — or commanded — to love th